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Hi. I have created this blog to help people who love traveling to Melaque and would like some references and suggestions on what is happening, how to get involved and any other fun tid-bids.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Hurricane Bud Category 3

Hurricane season starts early this year. Hurricane Bud is making its way to our lovely costal town and it looks like people are preparing themselves for a Category 3 hurricane. Apparently it looks like things might be a worse than last year’s Hurricane Jova. The damn is already half full and the canal is still being cleaned out of debris and fallen trees. I know Melaque is doing the best it can and I know that the town is working hard to make sure the damage is less than last year. All we can do is wait and pray for our friends and family.
Last year a group of wonderful Canadians and Americans came together and helped with donations that were then used to purchase goods for those who lost everything. I am getting prepared to do the same again this year. If anyone is interested in helping please contact me through this blog or through my email. 

lets not forget last year and what everyone went through

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